Sunday, February 23rd, 2025
Public Worship Guide
Morning Service
Scripture Reading
Old Testament: Psalm 25
New Testament: John 1:19-34
Pastor: Rev. Leonard Gulstrom
Title: “Where is Boasting?”
Text: Romans 3:27
The Hymn of Praise: “Arise, My Soul, Arise” – Hymn #305
The Doxology: Hymn #731
The Psalm of Preparation: “The Lord Is Good and Just” – Psalm 25B
The Hymn of Response: “Not All the Blood of Beasts” – Hymn #242
The Gloria Patri: Hymn #735
Afternoon Service
Scripture Reading
Old Testament: Psalm 82
New Testament: Mark 8:27-38
Pastor: Rev. Leonard Gulstrom
Title: “The Love of Money”
Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
The Hymn of Praise: “Though Troubles Assail Us” – Hymn #95
The Psalm of Doxology: “All Earth, With Joy” – Psalter 100C
The Psalm of Preparation: “God Is in His Congregation” – Psalter 82B
The Hymn of Response: “More Love to Thee, O Christ” – Hymn #649
The Extroit: Psalm 117
Armor Bible Church has been asked to hold services at Elison Assisted Living. This is the place where we held our Christmas Caroling last December. We will meet there for the afternoon service on the second Sunday of the month beginning in March. The plan will be to start this on March 9th with our morning service here at Armor at 9:30 am, our Sunday school classes at 11:00 am, a fellowship lunch around 12:30 pm, and then go to Elison for the afternoon service to start at 2pm. All the congregation is invited to join in this time of outreach into our community.