Service Times


Morning Worship – 9:30 am

Adult Fellowship Time/Children’s Sunday School – 11:00 am

Evening Worship – 4:00 pm**

**On months that have 5 Sundays, a fellowship meal is scheduled for the 5th Sunday after the Morning Worship Service. All (including visitors) are welcome. Typically, the fellowship meal is followed by an informal update meeting. Every 5th Sunday, the Evening Worship Service will be held at 2:00 pm, instead of 4:00 pm.


All-Church Prayer Meeting – 6:00 pm


Armor Bible Church has been asked to hold services at Elison Assisted Living. This is the place where we held our Christmas Caroling last December. We will meet there for the afternoon service on the second Sunday of the month beginning in March. The plan will be to start this on March 9th with our morning service here at Armor at 9:30 am, our Sunday school classes at 11:00 am, a fellowship lunch around 12:30 pm, and then go to Elison for the afternoon service to start at 2pm. All the congregation is invited to join in this time of outreach into our community.

Closings and Cancellations

Please see our page here for cancellations and closings.